Tindari34Tindari is a small village in the district of Patti in northeastern Sicily in Messina, between Milazzo and

The tour begins with the visit of the new 20th century Sanctuary with a Latin cross plant, three naves and semicircular apse. Inside the church, you will find a wooden statue of the Black Madonna, dating back to 750 A.D. or in the period of the crusades.

In the back you can find the ancient sanctuary, rebuilt after 1544 on the remains of a Christian church destroyed by Ariadeno Barbarossa during the raids of the Turkish pirates. According to tradition, the two sanctuaries are placed where the acropolis of the old Greek-Roman Tyndaris should have been built. Before you continue with the archaeological area, you will stop in the large square in front of the Sanctuary where you can enjoy a wonderful panorama of Marinello.


Your excursion will go on with the visit of the old Greek city founded by Dionysius of Syracuse in 396 B.C. as a military fortress. Tindari was also occupied n 264 B.C. by the Carthaginians led by Annibale. Ten years later, the city was conquered by the Romans. The city fell as a result of a strong earthquake around 365 A.D. and finally because the devastation by the Arabs in 836 A.D.

Tindari 20160703 124937The guided tour includes the visit of the Greek-Roman theater built with sandstone blocks by the Greeks in the 3rd century B.C., and modified by the Romans to adapt it to their games and amusements ("Ludi Circenses").

You will enjoy a large edifice commonly called “Basilica” (an imposing propylaeum with a large vaulted central gallery whose space is subdivided transversally by nine arches) intended for public meetings or for the performance of athletic exercises, the Roman tombs, the ancient thermal baths with a mosaic pavement and several other edifices of Roman times, the remains of the walls built by Dionysius and a tower (XVI - XVII century), located near the theater. A visit to the Antiquarium (a museum of this specific area) is also planned. There you can admire many statues of togate figures, a colossal head of the Emperor Augustus, a Corinthian capital, ceramic from the Bronze Age, Roman lanterns of the Republican age and many other historical finds found on site.

Journey time: 3 h
Date and time of departure: to be agreed.
Meeting Place:  in the area in front of  "parcheggio degli Ulivi" (see the map)
Price: differ according to participant number
Necessary equipment: Comfortable shoes, hat and a small bottle of water.

Ticket to the Archaeological Area: € 6 full, € 3 reduced, free from 0 to 18 years
It is possible to purchase only one ticket for visiting the Villa Romana of Patti Marina
and Tyndaris: full € 8,00, reduced € 4,00.

Booking takes place no later than 48 hours prior departure.

For any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us either by email escursioni@associazionepfm.it or phone: +39 3313457538.